NEW: Make a Feature Film From Scratch in 12 Months or Less... With Little To No Budget.

If you want to Break into the Film Industry without Film School, Climbing "the Ladder", or Raising Money ...please watch every second of this video and read every word on this page because this may very well be the best way to Launch a Successful Film Career ever!

1. DIY - Stand Alone

For lone-wolf filmmakers. No-brainer price.

2. With Expert Guidance

Ongoing Group LIVE Calls for Full Support.


You can have a LIMITLESS career in the film industry...

And here's the fastest way to do it...

Ever wonder how some climb the ranks to become household names faster than others?

How do some achieve the spotlight in a few short years while others toil away for decades or simply quit before ever finding success?

Think it's talent?

It's not.


Maybe a small fraction, but no.

That's not it either.

I'll give you one more guess...

It's Having A Strategy.

The STRATEGY that creates A-List careers without fundraising

From Christopher Nolan, to Ava DuVernay, to The Daniels and Greta Gerwig, Quentin Tarantino, to Robert Rodriguez, this battle-tested career strategy has worked for decades.

It's not going anywhere, and I want to show you how to harness its immense power for yourself.

It's called Value Compounding and it's the beating heart of Filmmaker Fast Track.

You might be asking yourself, "But why have I never heard of Value Compounding?"

Because it's been a secret back-door into the industry that nobody streamlined into a repeatable process... until now.

You'd hear the stars hint at the strategy on talk shows, but it wasn't till I discovered a little-known - yet incredibly powerful - segment of the film industry that when targeted correctly, results in massive and rapid success.

The best part?

  • You don't need industry connections...

  • You don't have to be independently wealthy, or fundraise at all...

  • You don't need to win expensive screenplay competitions...

  • You don't need to belong to unions...

  • Or repped by an agency...

And you can start doing it from anywhere. No need to move to Los Angeles or New York.

There are THOUSANDS of people vying for the same thing YOU ARE...

It's true.

You're not alone.

There are thousands or tens of thousands of talented people desperate to break into the same industry...

This is great news...

Most of them will try and push and shove their way to the top, screaming to the powers that be, begging for a career.

This is the slowest and least reliable way to find success.

But not you.

You're here in search of something different.

You know there's something better out there, which brought you here.

With Value Compounding you can hunker down...

...focus on what you want to be working on...

...building valuable relationships...

...and creating compounding assets that will

Launch you out of the hordes of desperate filmmakers and into the sights of big decision-makers in Hollywood.

Most of your peers won't do this...

Let's face it, filmmakers are a stubborn bunch.

They've developed a skill, and that's all they focus on.

Then the waiting begins... for the perfect opportunity that matches their skillset to fall in their lap.

Which, let's be honest, doesn't happen very often.

And when it does? It's fleeting...

After all, creating is hard. (or that's what they say, at least)

Creating comes with a lot of common beliefs like you have to raise millions of dollars, have a massive social media following, a rich Uncle, or years of film school under your belt...

But this is DEAD WRONG...

These are just limiting beliefs, fear of failure, or simply, repeating what they've heard others say because they don't know any better.


Some of the most successful careers in Hollywood have been started by projects with:

  • No "name" talent

  • ​No budget

  • ​No connection to Hollywood

  • No film school

  • No prior film experience, period.

I hear you asking... "But how is that possible?"

...We cover it all in FILMMAKER FAST TRACK.

Have You Ever Wondered What It Would Be Like to Finally Make Your Feature Film?

Did you know that thousands of filmmakers are stuck in the same place, waiting for that perfect opportunity—be it funding, auditions, or the right connections—to make their dream feature film?

Here’s the harsh truth: if you’re waiting for permission, or hoping for that magical moment when everything lines up, you might be waiting forever.

But what if I told you that you don’t need anyone’s permission? That you could take the reins of your own career, make a feature film without fundraising, and use it as the Proof Project to launch the next chapter of your filmmaking journey?

Your Proof Project

Can Make or Break Your Career

Look, we’ve all heard the stories. The filmmakers who seemed to “come out of nowhere” with their hit films and now live the Hollywood dream. But the truth is, many of them started exactly where you are right now—with no connections, no budget, and no clear path forward.

The difference? They took action. Instead of waiting around for someone else to give them a shot, they created their Proof Project —a film that proved their talent, built their credibility, and opened doors.

And here’s the best part: You don’t need a Hollywood budget, a big-time agent, or a long list of industry contacts to make this happen. All you need is the right Blueprint, the right Mentorship, and the right Accountability.



FILMMAKER FAST TRACK is a done-with-you filmmaking program designed to take you from “idea” to “finished film” without waiting for permission or securing massive funds.

Here’s what you get:

  1. The Blueprint

    A clear, step-by-step process that shows you exactly how to make a feature film with limited resources. We’ll guide you through everything from developing your script, assembling a team, shooting, and editing your film.

  2. Mentorship from AJ Rome

    Weekly mastermind calls with me, where you can ask questions, get feedback, and stay on track. This isn’t some generic course—I’m here with you, giving you the advice and support you need to push through obstacles.

  3. Accountability & Community

    You’ll be part of a community of like-minded filmmakers who are on the same journey. We push each other forward, share ideas, and collaborate. Accountability is the secret to staying motivated and getting across the finish line.

What if I don't have a budget or crew?

Good news: you don’t need a big budget or a paid crew to make your Proof Project. In Filmmaker Fast Track, we cover how to approach collaborators in a way that makes them feel excited to be part of your project—without demanding a paycheck you can’t afford.

When people believe in your vision and feel valued as artists, they’re willing to bring their skills to the table. You’ll learn exactly how to find and bring those people on board.

Proof Projects That Launched Careers

Ever heard of Kevin Smith’s Clerks? Shot for just $27,575 on maxed-out credit cards, that Proof Project made him an industry name.

What about Robert Rodriguez’s El Mariachi, which cost just $7,000 to make? He turned that into a career directing Hollywood blockbusters.

Or Christopher Nolan's Following? At a mere $6,000, this film was the lynchpin project that launched one of the most successful film careers of all time.

These filmmakers didn’t wait for permission. They made their own opportunities.

You can too.

You're Not Alone Anymore

One of the hardest parts of making a film is staying motivated when you’re working alone. That’s why accountability is key. In FILMMAKER FAST TRACK, you’ll be surrounded by other filmmakers who are on the same path. You’ll share your progress, push each other forward, and celebrate your wins together.

Why FILMMAKER FAST TRACK Costs Less Than the Competition

You might have seen other filmmaking programs priced at $9,000 or more. And sure, they might promise you all sorts of things, but at the end of the day, they’re out of reach for most aspiring filmmakers.

I created FILMMAKER FAST TRACK to be accessible. I want as many filmmakers as possible to have the chance to take control of their careers, without going into debt.

For a limited time, you can join for just $990 a year.

That’s 2 months free compared to the $99/month option.

And guess what?

That price gets you access to everything—weekly mastermind calls, the full filmmaking Blueprint, and access to a community of filmmakers who are already making things happen.

But here’s the catch: the price is going up soon. If you’re seeing this, it means you still have a chance to lock in the lower price before it increases.

Want Even MORE?

When you sign up, you’ll automatically be entered into our exclusive Drawing, where you have a chance to win:

  • A 5-pack of 1-on-1 calls with me ($1,250 value) to help you through tricky parts of your project.

  • A full camera and audio package to shoot your feature film, valued at $3,000.

And guess what? For every friend you refer to the program, you get 3 additional entries into the drawing, increasing your chances to win!

What Happens If You Do Nothing?

You could sit there and wait. But in six months, you’ll be in the exact same place—waiting for funding, hoping for auditions, or dreaming about making your movie.

Or… you could join FILMMAKER FAST TRACK, start your Proof Project, and in a few months, have a completed film that opens doors.

This is your time.

Click here to sign up:

Sign Up Now

Or schedule a call with me:

Book a Call

Don’t wait for permission. Let’s get started together.

— AJ Rome

P.S. Remember, the $497 annual membership is going up soon, and the Drawing is only open to the first 200 enrollees. Don’t miss your chance to win big and make your film happen!


Glad you asked! It's simply a completed project (short film, web series, scene, or
feature film) crafted around your dream position. Lead role? Director? Produced writer? This is the place to do it. Create your dream role and leverage career value from it.

  • Using 80/20 Filmmaking principles you won't need funding.

  • ​Plug-and-play script writing process is easy enough for anyone. Even "non-writers."

  • Shoot an entire feature film in less than a week.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What exactly is Filmmaker Fast Track?

FILMMAKER FAST TRACK is a filmmaking program designed to help you create your Proof Project —a feature film that doesn’t require large budgets or waiting for permission from studios or producers.

You’ll get a clear blueprint, mentorship from AJ Rome, and accountability through a community of like-minded filmmakers who are on the same journey as you.

Whether you’re an actor, screenwriter, or director, this program is built to help you make your film, even if you have no prior experience.

2. What’s a Proof Project, and why do I need one?

A Proof Project is a small-scale film that demonstrates your abilities as a filmmaker. It’s designed to showcase your talent, build your credibility, and open doors to bigger opportunities. Instead of waiting around for someone to greenlight your career, your Proof Project acts as tangible proof that you’re capable of making a film. Filmmakers like Kevin Smith (Clerks), Christopher Nolan (Following), Greta Gerwig (Nights and Weekends) and Robert Rodriguez (El Mariachi) used Proof Projects to launch their careers—this program helps you do the same.

3. I’m an actor who’s not getting the roles I want. How will this help me?

As an actor, you’re often stuck waiting for someone else to cast you in a role that showcases your talent. With Filmmaker Fast Track, you take control of your career by creating your own project, where you can star in the leading role. No more waiting for auditions or hoping a casting director gives you a shot—you become the star of your own film.

4. I’m not a writer. Can I still create a film through this program?

Absolutely! Many people in Filmmaker Fast Track have never written a script before joining. The program breaks down the writing process into easy-to-follow steps, even for total beginners. You don’t need to be a professional writer to get started—our system walks you through the entire process, helping you develop a script that can actually be produced. And if you get stuck, you can bring your script to our weekly mastermind calls for direct help.

5. I don’t have a budget. How can I make a film without money?

Good news: you don’t need a big budget to create your Proof Project. Many filmmakers, including Robert Rodriguez and Christopher Nolan, started with micro-budgets. In Filmmaker Fast Track, you’ll learn how to use resourceful filmmaking techniques that focus on what really matters—story and performances.

We also cover how to approach collaborators in a way that gets them excited about your project. By making them feel seen as artists and giving them a stake in the film, you’ll be able to assemble a talented crew without needing a large paycheck.

6. I’ve tried screenwriting competitions and fellowships, but haven’t seen results. How is this different?

Unlike competitions or fellowships where you spend money and time hoping to be noticed, Filmmaker Fast Track gives you control. Instead of waiting for someone to pick your script out of a pile, you make your own feature film—on your terms. With the blueprint, mentorship, and community in place, you’ll be able to create something tangible that can act as proof of your abilities, bypassing the gatekeepers who have ignored you.

7. I’ve wanted to make a feature film for years but keep hitting funding walls. Can this program help?

Yes! Filmmaker Fast Track is specifically designed for filmmakers who are stuck behind the “funding wall.” You don’t need a giant budget to make a feature film that gets noticed. We teach you how to make your Proof Project with what you have, whether that’s shooting on weekends, using local locations, or bringing together passionate collaborators.

Instead of focusing on massive fundraising efforts, we show you how to work with what you’ve got—and make it count.

8. What’s included in the program?

When you join Filmmaker Fast Track , you get access to:

  • A Clear Blueprint: A step-by-step video course to help you take your film from idea to completed project, without needing a huge budget.

  • Mentorship: Weekly mastermind calls with AJ Rome, where you can ask questions, get feedback, and stay on track.

  • Accountability and Community: A group of filmmakers who are on the same journey, ready to share notes, collaborate, and keep you motivated.

  • Access to AJ Rome’s expertise: in filmmaking, storytelling, and launching successful Proof Projects.

9. How does accountability work in the program?

Accountability is key to getting things done. When you join, you’ll be part of a community of filmmakers all working towards their own Proof Projects. You’ll share your progress, receive feedback, and support each other as you move through the filmmaking process. This system is designed to keep you motivated and moving forward, even when the going gets tough.

10. What makes this program different from others?

Here’s how Filmmaker Fast Track stands out:

  • It’s Accessible: While many filmmaking programs cost upwards of $9,000, FILMMAKER FAST TRACK is designed to be affordable, with an annual membership of just $990, giving you 2 months free.

  • It’s Done-With-You, Not For You: This isn’t a passive course where you’re left to figure things out on your own. You’ll get mentorship, feedback, and hands-on support to make sure you’re always moving forward.

  • No Fundraising Necessary: Instead of focusing on getting massive budgets, the program teaches you how to make your film with the resources you already have.

  • Proof Projects: The core focus is on creating a tangible film that you can use to showcase your talent, open doors, and build your career.

11. What if I don’t have a crew or people to collaborate with?

That’s okay! Part of the program is learning how to build your team, even when you don’t have a budget to pay them. You’ll learn how to approach collaborators in a way that makes them feel valued as artists, excited about your project, and willing to work with you for less than industry rates. The key is making them feel like they’re part of something special.

12. What’s this about a Drawing?

When you sign up for Filmmaker Fast Track, you’ll be entered into a Drawing where 4 winners will be chosen:

  • 3 winners will receive a 5-pack of 1-on-1 calls with AJ Rome, valued at $1,250. These calls can be used at any time during the process to help you through difficult or tricky parts of your project.

  • 1 lucky winner will take home a camera and audio package to shoot their film, valued at $3,000.

And here’s a bonus: for every friend or colleague you refer to the program, you get 3 additional entries

into the Drawing, increasing your chances of winning!

13. How long does it take to complete the program?

The timeline is flexible, but most filmmakers find that they can get through the course and have a completed film within 3 to 12 months. Of course, the speed at which you progress depends on your dedication, but with the Blueprint, mentorship, and accountability, you’ll always have the support you need to stay on track.

14. What happens if I miss a weekly call?

No problem! All mastermind calls are recorded and made available for you to watch at any time. So, even if you can’t make a session live, you can still access all the information, feedback, and advice that was shared.

15. Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes! If for any reason you don’t feel that Filmmaker Fast Track is right for you, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. We want you to feel confident and supported in your decision to join, with no risk involved.

16. How do I get started?

Getting started is simple! You can sign up for Filmmaker Fast Track right here and lock in your spot today. If you have questions or want to chat more about your goals, feel free to schedule a call with me.

WEEK 7 and Beyond...

Continuing Guidance

The program doesn't end with Week 6.

You're invited to attend the LIVE CALLS for up to a year.

That means continued support in making your film....

Getting expert opinions on your most pressing career questions....

Building strong relationships with likeminded filmmakers as serious about their careers as you are.

There's no place like it!

The Investment

A lot of online filmmaking courses on the market only focus on single pieces of the puzzle, and can set you back a lot of money, like $1,000+ per course.

Or you could go to film school but those can be a staggering $100,000+. 

But this course shows you even more than what you'll learn with those expensive alternatives, but at a fraction of the cost.

The price of this program is just $990/year or $99/month ...which is around 98% LESS than what you'd pay for Film School.

I can promise, this is the lowest price this will ever be.

I know that once you go through the materials, you'll absolutely love it

...And I'm hoping that maybe you'll tell your friends about it and give it a nice review :-)

You will learn more from this class (and get better results) than you would from taking something that's ten times more expensive.


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