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NEW: How To Become A Professional TV and Film Actor
...Even Without Experience!

If you want to walk on big sets and share dialogue with acting legends ...please watch every second of this video and read every word on this page because this may very well be the best way to Launch a Successful Acting Career... ever!

Order Before The Timer Hits Zero And Save $400


You can become a Working TV and Film Actor...

And here's the fastest way to do it...

Here's what we'll be doing: Crafting your journey to become a professional TV and Film actor.

Not in L.A.?

No experience?

No problem.

"Booking The Role" is about breaking those barriers.

You'll start with small roles – yes, they're significant!

These roles are your training ground, helping you build a portfolio that speaks volumes.

This practical approach builds up your marketing materials – a key to opening doors.

We’ll walk you through mastering casting platforms and getting an agent, crucial for landing bigger roles.

This course isn't just about acting; it's about building a career.

Step by step, we’ll help you climb the ladder to your acting goals.

This course is your ticket to the acting world – no matter where you start from!

Part 1: Practice and Training

In part one of our incredible journey into the world of acting, you're going to unlock the doors to training, practice, and building relationships that will set the stage for your success.

First up, we've got "The Batman Utility Belt Approach" for Training and Practice.

Think Batman’s got gadgets for every challenge?

Well, you're about to have acting skills for every scene!

This isn't about piling up random classes or workshops.

It's about learning what type of training truly matters, and what's just noise in the bustling world of acting.

We zero in on techniques and practices that refine your craft, making you versatile, adaptable, and ready for any role that comes your way.

Next, we dive into "Practice Makes Perfect" for getting those all-important practice roles.

Here’s the scoop: you’re going to learn how to step onto small sets and shine.

This isn’t just about acting; it’s about getting comfortable in front of the camera, understanding on-set dynamics, and building your confidence.

You'll learn the art of turning every small role into a big opportunity to hone your craft.

And then, there's "Best Film Friends" for Building Relationships.

This is where the magic happens!

You’ll learn how to create lasting connections with filmmakers and industry pros who are steps ahead in the game.

It's about building a network that supports, guides, and opens doors for you.

These aren't just contacts; they're mentors, collaborators, and friends in the industry.

Repeat this process, and you're setting up a lifetime of acting work.

Part 2: Marketing Package

Upgrading your marketing toolkit.

Nervous that your headshots aren't hitting the mark?

Unsure how to showcase your talent in a demo reel?

It's time for "The Breakthrough Blueprint."

We'll guide you through creating headshots that are more than just pictures – they're your ever important first impression.

Your demo reel will become a compelling story of your talent...

... and your resume?

A testament to your dedication and skill.

This part of the course is your stepping stone to standing out in a sea of actors.

  • Discover how to make a perfect first impression online.

  • Learn to craft demo reels that speak directly to industry gatekeepers.

  • Learn insider tips for making your headshots unforgettable.

  • Discover how to step into the spotlight as a memorable, in-demand actor.

  • Find out how to craft an acting portfolio that speaks volumes.

Part 3: Finding an Agent and

Mastering Casting Sites

In part three, we're unlocking the doors to getting representation and understanding the industry's secrets.

First, let's talk about... Attracting an Agent.

With your sparkling new profile and fresh marketing materials in hand, I'm going to guide you through the surprisingly simple process of finding an agent.

But it's not just about finding any agent; it's about finding the right one who believes in your dream as much as you do.

We'll cover what to expect, how to approach them, and how to make sure they can't resist representing you.

It's your first big step towards success.

Next up, we dive into "The Two that Count."

Ever wonder where to focus your efforts in this vast world of acting?

I'll show you the two key platforms where Hollywood releases nearly all of its major roles.

This is about strategizing your energy and making sure you're seen where it matters most.

It's about being in the right place at the right time, armed with the right tools.

And last but not least, "The Wizard of Odd (Choices)."

This part is like having a backstage pass to the industry.

You're going to see what casting directors see.

We'll teach you how to present yourself as the ultimate professional, not as someone who's just desperate for any role.

This module pulls back the curtain on how to make choices that set you apart, showing you the path from being just another actor to being the actor everyone wants.

Part 4: Auditions

Ready to become an audition ace?

Let's break down the incredible journey you're about to embark on.

First up, "Auditions 101" – this is where the magic starts.

Think auditions are just about showing up and reading lines?

Think again.

This module is all about understanding how auditions come to you, what to do once they're in your hands, and how to approach them like a pro.

It's a complete guide to mastering auditions, from getting the call to nailing the performance.

Next, we've got "Day Player to Series Reg."

This part is all about the variety of roles out there.

Not every audition is the same – some are in-person, some are self-tapes, and they range from one-liners to Series Regs (industry term for Series Regulars).

Here, you'll learn the ins and outs of different audition types and how to shine in each one.

It's about playing the right moves for each opportunity and showing casting directors that you're versatile and adaptable.

And finally, "Dedicated Self Tapes."

In today's world, your at-home audition space is your secret weapon.

We'll guide you through setting up a professional-level audition space right at home.

No more spending hundreds on taping fees!

With our easy setup guide, you'll have everything you need to create high-quality self-tapes that stand out.

This is about making your home a place where casting magic happens.

Part 5: The Industry and Long Term Success

In part five of our journey, we're going to dive into the real heart of acting -

...understanding the industry...

...positioning yourself for long-term success...

and setting the right expectations.

First, we'll explore the unwritten rules of the industry.

Think of it as a guidebook that every actor needs but few ever get to see.

We'll show you why these rules matter and how breaking them can, well, break your career (and not in the good way).

It's like learning the rules of a new game - once you know them, you can play to win.

Then, we're going to let you in on some sneaky strategies that let you jump the line.

Imagine being able to step out of the endless queue of actors and move straight to the front.

We'll teach you simple, yet effective strategies that other actors don't even know exist.

And here's the big one: breaking your career into two parts that you can build simultaneously.

We'll show you how to lay a solid foundation for both, ensuring your career is built to last and flourish.


This Page Expires When The Timer Hits Zero.


The Ultimate Film Career

Strategy Guide

In this Course, get ready for an exciting ride that turbocharges your career!

This isn't just any ordinary course.

It's a treasure map to fame, a career GPS that steers you away from dead ends and zooms you straight toward your Ultimate Potential.

Here's a sneak peek at what this game-changing bonus offers.

First off, we've got a four-step process that's like magic.

It's designed to make sure every choice you make is a step closer to your dream.

Think of it as a smart filter that separates the good opportunities from the time wasters.

You won't just be walking down the path to success; you'll be sprinting!

But wait, there's more!

This course is all about YOU.

You'll get a plan that's crafted just for your unique journey.

No more one-size-fits-all advice.

This is your personalized blueprint for success, guiding you through the maze of the acting world with ease.

And here's the cherry on top: we're going to teach you the art of crafting an authentic personal brand.

It's about showing the world who you are and what you stand for.

When decision-makers see your work, they'll instantly know what you bring to the table.

Your signature style that everyone recognizes.

This bonus course is your secret weapon.

When does it start?

You have instant access. Start your journey immediately.

What It Will Do For You

  1. Set Your Career on the Fast Track to Meaningful Work

  2. Break The Journey Into Small Achievable Goals

  3. Set You Up to Book Major TV and Film Roles

How It Works

  1. Enroll and get Instant Access to Booking The Role - Start Learning Immediately

  2. Watch Through The Lessons and Complete Tasks

  3. Go From Baby Steps to Full-On Sprint in Your Career!

The Investment

A lot of online acting courses on the market can set you back a lot of money, like $1,000 - 4,000.

Or you could go to film school but those can be a staggering $114,000.

The craziest part? They don't give you the practical, business strategy that moves the needle. 

But this course shows you even more than what you'll learn with those expensive alternatives, at a fraction of the cost.

The price of this course is just $497 ...which is almost 75% LESS than what you'd pay for a weekend workshop.

But when you enroll NOW (before this page expires), you can have it for $97.

So that's a $400 savings!

I'm offering this discount because I'm hoping it will give you even more motivation to get this course NOW.

Also, I want to make the steps I wish I had in the beginning of my career accessible to anyone.

I know that once you go through the materials, you'll absolutely love it

...And I'm hoping that maybe you'll tell your friends about it and give it a nice review :-)

You will learn more from this class (and get better results) than you would from taking something that's ten times more expensive.

As an aside, another (admittedly selfish) reason for this discount is that the overwhelming majority of my customers are repeat customers.

So I know that if I do a good job for you in this class, you'll probably want to take more classes from me in the future.


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